Stephen P. Kraft, MD, FRCSC


Dr. Kraft graduated in Medicine from the University of Toronto in 1978, and he completed his ophthalmology residency in Toronto in 1982.  From 1982 to 1984 he traveled to Iowa City and San Francisco to pursue fellowship training in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.  While he was in San Francisco, at the Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences, he studied with Dr. Alan Scott who is the originator of the botulinum treatment methods for eye and neurologic conditions.


Dr. Kraft returned to Toronto in 1984 to open his practice in ophthalmology.  He is a staff surgeon at the Toronto Western Hospital, part of the University Health Network, and The Hospital for Sick Children.  He is currently a Full Professor at the University of Toronto where he teaches medical students, interns, resident physicians, and fellows.  He has also trained many visiting physicians from all over the world.  He has received numerous awards for his surgical and clinical teaching of residents and medical students.  In addition, he has received long-term achievement awards for continuing education from major ophthalmology organizations, including the American Academy of Ophthalmology .


Dr. Kraft specializes in the treatment of strabismus (eye muscle disorders, such as crossed eyes), and amblyopia (or lazy vision) in both children and adults.  He also practices general pediatric ophthalmology.  He has ongoing research projects in these areas. 


Dr. Kraft was the first physician in Ontario to use botulinum toxin and the third in Canada. BotoxTM  and Botox CosmeticTM  (licensed by Allergan, Inc.) and XeominTM  (licensed by Merz Pharmaceuticals) are currently the approved marketed forms of botulinum toxin in Canada.  He started his botulinum toxin practice in January, 1985.  At first he treated patients affected by facial dystonia and blepharospasm, which are disabling neurologic diseases that cause uncontrolled blinking and eyelid closure, and patients with strabismus (misaligned eyes).  Over the past few years he has broadened his practice to include the cosmetic treatment of patients with prominent facial wrinkles, brow furrows, forehead lines, crows' feet, chin depression, and prominent neck cords.   He has also used botulinum toxin to treat patients with excessive underarm perspiration.


Dr. Kraft has authored or co-authored over 100 published papers in his areas of interest, including  a dozen articles on the use of botulinum toxin for different conditions.  He has given over 300 lectures and presentations all over the world dealing with his extensive experience with eye muscle problems and with the use of botulinum toxin, to eye specialists, neurologists, family doctors, and allied health personnel.


In his spare time Dr. Kraft likes playing racquet sports, especially squash, as well as bicycling, swimming, and hiking. He enjoys his family time with his wife and their two children.  He enjoys playing ragtime piano and reading, especially mystery novels and books on archaeology, ancient history, and astronomy.